Receiving an Invitation

Receiving an Invitation – 

  • If your car fits the flexible Four seater Convertible definition and is of show quality*, and 
  • If you’re available the day of the event (Sunday, 14 Sept 2025) and would be interested in participating – 
  • Please send an email to include your contact info, phone – for calls and text –  brief description of vehicle, including picture(s). 
  • Invitation with Registration form will be sent starting in June. 
  • Trailer parking is available at The Matthew Whaley School, located two blocks from show field, see map under VENUE

*Show Quality – a car that presents well, we are not searching for “concours-d’elegance”

Our objective is to present fine examples of the vehicle type, with the intent to expose the visiting public to the hobby of owning and maintaining these unique driver’s cars. . .

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